Wednesday, August 5, 2009

8 Days old and healthy report

Brandon and I can't believe our little guys are 8 days old today. I decided that this has been the longest week I can remember..... really all this went down only 8 days ago?!? We had a great report from the boys doctor today.

Brock- will be moved into an incubator (a covered plastic box with arm holds) today which is a step up from the warmer that they have been under for the last week. They move babies to these when they are deemed "stable" and the doctors and nurses don't have to mess with them all the time. He also might be able to try no air this week and if his feedings keep going well he will loose the nutrient tube to his arm. Big steps for a little boy! His weight has gone down to 2 pounds, 14.5 oz so they will be focusing on feeding him and making him bigger. He is eating 16cc per feeding every three hours.

Christian- He is holding stable. He is having a little sleep apnea so the doctor gave him some caffeine to help his heart keep going when he forgets to breath on his own. This is a common preemie baby issue and he SHOULD grow out of it. He is doing well on his air consumption as well and if his sleep apnea goes away they will try to ween him off in the future. His clot will get re-sonogramed next Monday to see if it has shrunk. His blood pressure has been pretty stable... they had to give him meds yesterday but not so far today. They have a line in his artery to check it non-stop so until that comes out we can't hold him. The doctor said that could be this week or next week or longer depending on how his pressure does.

Thank you all for your prayers for our little guys... they are tough ones!!!


  1. I'm a friend of your sister's and just took my second preemie home last week. It looks like you have an awesome support system, but let me know if you ever want to talk or email about life in the NICU. Your boys look FABULOUS given their age and are so incredibly healthy - even with Christian causing trouble! My son was 4 weeks older and a whole lot bigger with a lot of similar challenges and a few extra ones. You'll be chasing them around the house before you know it, as hard as it may be to believe now!


  2. Thanks Lena! What an experiance this has been!! I will have to get your email from Sara and start emailing for extra advice! I am glad you have both of yours home, we look forward to that day!

