Monday, December 12, 2011

10 Reasons toddlers find to have a meltdown as it happened today from 4:10-4:30p

As Brandon and I get more than a week into our toddler beds with the boys we are ALL overtired, cranky and over the process.  The under three foot crowd handles their lack of sleep much like us over three foot crowd would like to.

Top 10 Reasons Toddlers have to Meltdown (all happened in about 20 minutes today)

10. I don't want to stay in my new bed
9. You gave me raisins but I wanted pretzels
8. You did not let me open the pretzel bag on my own
7. You didn't open the pretzels in a timely manner (i.e, under 2 seconds)
6. My brother took/gave me something I clearly didn't want
5. my mom/dad took or gave me something I did not want
4. You left the room
3. You turned off my cartoons
2. I don't like when you make dinner in the kitchen and I am in the living room...
1. I woke up from a nap and I just don't like you right now.
*** Bonus reason: I want to put my boots on myself but when I can't get them on (since I have them on the wrong foot) I blame you and scream at you both for helping and not helping.

The toddler bed transition has made Brandon and I swear we will not have more kids since those newly birthed children will someday turn two and need to move from a crib to a toddler bed.  Christian screamed the first night so long and hard and absolutely nothing we could do would calm him down.  He ended up sleeping a few minutes with his face pressed against the baby gate we had to move in front of his room door.  He slept on the hardwoods all night long.

We ordered the wrong conversion kit for the cribs so it took extra time, effort and many trips to the baby store to locate a temporary fix until my real ones arrived.  They have ripped out outlets in their room, torn down paintings, ripped out a shelf and broke into the bathroom and turned on the steaming hot water and soaked their woobies in the hot water.  We can't baby gate their bathroom since the door is so narrow.... and the saga always continues.  Right now we have everything rigged to not move or break but it is only a matter of time before they outsmart me again.

Due to lack of sleep I have now had the terrible cold floating around twice.  I finally broke down and went to the doctor last  Saturday when I woke up at 4am stuffy.  At 530a I sneezed and threw my neck out and couldn't look right or left.  Thank goodness Brandon was here so I could go to care now and get fixed up.

The boys have finally started napping again (they took about a week off with the bed change) and I think we are slowly moving out of the woods.

Since I can't be all negative here are two cute/sweet things the boys have done lately.  Brock sat on the floor with me at bedtime tonight and closed his hands and did the lords prayer with mommy.  He also sang a song into his karaoke machine about mommy and daddy tonight.  Priceless.  Christian loves to tell me all the words he knows and tonight (and just about every night) opens a book and says all the wonderful things he has learned.  He also kisses mommy boo-boos every time he sees one (even if it is a permanent scar).  Oh, and they both say mommy when they see a model in a magazine.  Very flattering.  Once they said mommy when Al Roker was doing the weather on the Today show.... I am sure that was a fluke :)

Hope everyone has enjoyed our warm up to Christmas!!!  Keep my Aunt Barbara and Brandon's mom Karen in your prayers this Christmas as they face much worse than a couple of sleep deprived toddlers.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Two jumpers, one room and a naked toddler

We have been very BUSY around here!!!  The Barefeet have news... we are officially moving to Fort Worth!!!!  We are thrilled to be closer to grandma and grandpa, closer to work and we found a wonderful lot that we will be one house down from Sara and Bryan.  VERY exciting!!!  We have had one meeting with the architect and will hopefully be in the house by next fall.  Sara and I have our name in at some preschools and we are starting the search officially next week for schools.  I think our family will be wonderfully happy!

We spent a very nice thanksgiving with my parents and ate WAY to much at Shady Oaks Country Club, did the turkey trot in the morning, relaxed, slept and generally enjoyed ourselves :)  Since my mom was such a good nana, mom even got to take two baths and a shower in two days... wonderful!

Well we are out of our beds officially!  We have two jumpers from their cribs and today when they were both on the loose during nap times they ripped down a shelf in their room, took out everything from their drawers and generally had a really wonderful time.  

Brock started really jumping out consistently two days ago.  We are working on getting his toddler bed ready but of course, we had ordered the wrong bed part and now have to re-order the right toddler bed attachments.  Today Christian joined in on the fun and when I came in to check on the munchkins, Christian was in Brock's crib.  Very cute but crazy since now they both can get in and out of their cribs.  This morning when I went to get Brock at 7, he was also naked and diaper-less.  Should be an interesting, messy time in our lives.  The boys are so grown up :(  First toddler beds then college.

We have not taken ANY pictures hardly since Halloween.  Brandon snapped two of us today when the boys decided not to nap in their rooms, they both fell asleep on me for about 45 minutes.  It was maybe the cutest thing they have done in awhile.  It has been at least a year since anyone slept on me.  

Hope everyone had a wonderful Turkey Day!!!!
