Monday, December 12, 2011

10 Reasons toddlers find to have a meltdown as it happened today from 4:10-4:30p

As Brandon and I get more than a week into our toddler beds with the boys we are ALL overtired, cranky and over the process.  The under three foot crowd handles their lack of sleep much like us over three foot crowd would like to.

Top 10 Reasons Toddlers have to Meltdown (all happened in about 20 minutes today)

10. I don't want to stay in my new bed
9. You gave me raisins but I wanted pretzels
8. You did not let me open the pretzel bag on my own
7. You didn't open the pretzels in a timely manner (i.e, under 2 seconds)
6. My brother took/gave me something I clearly didn't want
5. my mom/dad took or gave me something I did not want
4. You left the room
3. You turned off my cartoons
2. I don't like when you make dinner in the kitchen and I am in the living room...
1. I woke up from a nap and I just don't like you right now.
*** Bonus reason: I want to put my boots on myself but when I can't get them on (since I have them on the wrong foot) I blame you and scream at you both for helping and not helping.

The toddler bed transition has made Brandon and I swear we will not have more kids since those newly birthed children will someday turn two and need to move from a crib to a toddler bed.  Christian screamed the first night so long and hard and absolutely nothing we could do would calm him down.  He ended up sleeping a few minutes with his face pressed against the baby gate we had to move in front of his room door.  He slept on the hardwoods all night long.

We ordered the wrong conversion kit for the cribs so it took extra time, effort and many trips to the baby store to locate a temporary fix until my real ones arrived.  They have ripped out outlets in their room, torn down paintings, ripped out a shelf and broke into the bathroom and turned on the steaming hot water and soaked their woobies in the hot water.  We can't baby gate their bathroom since the door is so narrow.... and the saga always continues.  Right now we have everything rigged to not move or break but it is only a matter of time before they outsmart me again.

Due to lack of sleep I have now had the terrible cold floating around twice.  I finally broke down and went to the doctor last  Saturday when I woke up at 4am stuffy.  At 530a I sneezed and threw my neck out and couldn't look right or left.  Thank goodness Brandon was here so I could go to care now and get fixed up.

The boys have finally started napping again (they took about a week off with the bed change) and I think we are slowly moving out of the woods.

Since I can't be all negative here are two cute/sweet things the boys have done lately.  Brock sat on the floor with me at bedtime tonight and closed his hands and did the lords prayer with mommy.  He also sang a song into his karaoke machine about mommy and daddy tonight.  Priceless.  Christian loves to tell me all the words he knows and tonight (and just about every night) opens a book and says all the wonderful things he has learned.  He also kisses mommy boo-boos every time he sees one (even if it is a permanent scar).  Oh, and they both say mommy when they see a model in a magazine.  Very flattering.  Once they said mommy when Al Roker was doing the weather on the Today show.... I am sure that was a fluke :)

Hope everyone has enjoyed our warm up to Christmas!!!  Keep my Aunt Barbara and Brandon's mom Karen in your prayers this Christmas as they face much worse than a couple of sleep deprived toddlers.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Two jumpers, one room and a naked toddler

We have been very BUSY around here!!!  The Barefeet have news... we are officially moving to Fort Worth!!!!  We are thrilled to be closer to grandma and grandpa, closer to work and we found a wonderful lot that we will be one house down from Sara and Bryan.  VERY exciting!!!  We have had one meeting with the architect and will hopefully be in the house by next fall.  Sara and I have our name in at some preschools and we are starting the search officially next week for schools.  I think our family will be wonderfully happy!

We spent a very nice thanksgiving with my parents and ate WAY to much at Shady Oaks Country Club, did the turkey trot in the morning, relaxed, slept and generally enjoyed ourselves :)  Since my mom was such a good nana, mom even got to take two baths and a shower in two days... wonderful!

Well we are out of our beds officially!  We have two jumpers from their cribs and today when they were both on the loose during nap times they ripped down a shelf in their room, took out everything from their drawers and generally had a really wonderful time.  

Brock started really jumping out consistently two days ago.  We are working on getting his toddler bed ready but of course, we had ordered the wrong bed part and now have to re-order the right toddler bed attachments.  Today Christian joined in on the fun and when I came in to check on the munchkins, Christian was in Brock's crib.  Very cute but crazy since now they both can get in and out of their cribs.  This morning when I went to get Brock at 7, he was also naked and diaper-less.  Should be an interesting, messy time in our lives.  The boys are so grown up :(  First toddler beds then college.

We have not taken ANY pictures hardly since Halloween.  Brandon snapped two of us today when the boys decided not to nap in their rooms, they both fell asleep on me for about 45 minutes.  It was maybe the cutest thing they have done in awhile.  It has been at least a year since anyone slept on me.  

Hope everyone had a wonderful Turkey Day!!!!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The Halloween Post

The boys were smurfs for Halloween.  Brock was a regular smurf and Christian was Gargamel.  They were super cute.  We took them to the arboretum for pictures.  We decided not to trick or treat this year since we still don't let them have to much candy and just handed out candy at home instead.  I think they will be out next year when they stay up past 730.  

Brandon and I have had a great couple of weekend when we went to an OU game in Norman with a bunch of brandon's old frat buddies and then this last weekend we had my 10 year college reunion complete with my old roomie from college, Brooke, in town.  We were all kid free and had a blast!!!  Thanks to my parents for babysitting so much these last few weeks.  Mom and dad really needed a break from these two little guys.

Ahhh the terrible two's seem to be upon us in this household.  Testing boundaries for everything, tantrums when we don't get our way, manipulation and frequent changes in temperament.  Dad and I are just trying to make it through and teach a little as we go.  Both boys have lots of words and sentences.  Brock has picked up a frequent phrase used by mom "stop it" which he likes to say while pointing and yelling at Christian.  Christian has picked up so many animals names, what sounds they make and his newest trick to try to get brandon and I to take him into the back is to say "pee pee" while holding his pants.  The first weekend Brandon and I were really excited and kept taking him to the bathroom only to have him flush about 12 times and play.  So we learned we were being tricked by our two year old... again.

We also had our first crib jumper a couple weeks ago.  Brock jumped out in the morning and landed on his head.  He is fine.  He ran down the hall yelling "mommy, ouchy head!" Since we tried to install crib tents and they don't fit our cribs we are just winging it for now.  He has stayed in so far since then. We have also started asking "why?"

Strange Toddler Traits:
1. Christian is obsessed with trucks- he takes his yellow dump everywhere... bath, bed, in the car.  He loves it.  Until he gets to my parents house... then it is dead to him.  After I stressed my mom not to lose it.
2. Brock will not eat anything you hand him out of a bag.  He will lose it unless you give him the whole bag.
3. Christian calls all horses "cow" and moos at them.  We have said horse for over a year now.
4. Christian likes to say all the names of his trucks over and over... dump truck, fire truck etc.  I bet he says them 100 times a day.
5. Brock likes to put his feet on the kitchen table while he eats (aggg)
6. Christian also likes to do that after I already told Brock not to... just b.c I told Brock not to.
7. Brock and Christian both like to rub food in their hair.
8. Brock likes to dig in his diaper and show us the poop.  He also likes to pee on the wood floors and play in it if he is not wearing a diaper.
9.  They both steal food off our mom and dad's dinner plates if we look away for one second.
10. Christian tells everything goodbye about 2 minutes after we leave.
11.  They knock on the door to our hall and scream "mommy" or "daddy" if you leave the room.
12. They love the movie Alvin and the Chipmunks The Squeal.  We have seen no less than 75 times.  

I could go on for pages.  Toddlers are their own special breed.  They will hug you so they can put you in a sleeper hold.  Everyday our tastes, mood and feelings changes many times.  Good thing they are so cute!!!

I am trying to blog more but it turns out to be quite a bit harder on this computer to upload the pics.

 All three boys in their costumes... Grady as papa smurf, Brock as smurf and Christian as Gargamel.

 Mommy and her boys.
 The boys
 Ok, I love this one!  How cute are they?

 Daddy and C
 After we left the arboretum.  So sleepy.
 Christian is still awake!

 Brock had his face painted like Batman
C's was Superman!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Oct Already?!?

 The boys sunning outside in our beautiful weather!
 Brock playing in the tailgate bounce house at the SMU game.  The boys ate snacks, bounced, chased dogs, and caused mayhem at the tailgate.
 Christian having a great time!
 Brock and Jenn on his first pony ride at our neighborhood fall festival.
 He did not want mommy's help riding.  He kept taking my hand off the saddle so he could do it all himself.  My little grown man.  I need to get the photos of Brandon taking C.

C at the pumpkins

 B loved throwing pumpkins
 Christian is SOOO over pictures
 Ok, now he is good!

 Poor C, a rug burn, escalator accident, wagon fall and sad mood all in one picture.
 B looking cute.  He loved throwing the pumpkins

 C loving the pile of pumpkins
 Grady and boys running through the pumpkins
 C giving B a sideways look.
 C is strong!
 C and mommy kissing.
 Brock is running so fast he is flying!
 C is over our kiss.
 Boys... look at mommy for the picture
 G loves that pumpkin
 Ok I have not laughed this hard in awhile.  B was playing on this pumpkin and it took him down.  He rolled off the bale and the pumpkin flatted him.  A group of grandparents ran over since he was pinned under the pumpkin.  They were so worried about him and Sara and I could not stop laughing.
 Reading a book before our lunch in the arboretum.  Mom packed PB & J for everyone.  Big hit!
 Brock is mad he has to share.

The Barefoot boys and mom have been so so so busy!  Fall festival, pumpkin pictures (with mom as the photographer) playmates, tailgates, fun and family really sum up these last few weeks.  Mom got a new computer (yeah) and that has slowed me down blogging.  I had killed my last PC and now I am a officially Mac computer user.  LOVE the new computer.  It is so fast and slick.  

We also went to the State Fair and fed the boys the world famous corn dogs, watched a dog show and were sad that we were to small for the midway.  The boys were so tired from their big day, they fell asleep in the parking lot of the state fair.

Boys have lots of new phrases... I'm sorry, Brock has started to say Christian "Mommy, where's Christian?"  Christian knows so many items.  He loves to tell us where things are "Daddy, truck!" and then he points it out.  He also likes all his boo boo's kissed.  "Mommy, Boo Boo" and then he holds out his hand or foot for me to kiss. So cute.

Brock is also concerned about stuff animal boo boo's so we have to kiss puppy's boo boos as well.  He is a crazy entertainer and dances for Brandon and I every night.  Christian LOVES to ride his bike in the house, take off all the cushions on the couch and use them as a launching pad.  He also LOVES to wrestle with Brock and win :)  He can still get  a snack off of any person, anywhere.  He loves any cute lady to pick him up and we find him in the arms of cute ladies at the car show at the state fair, ladies at church and making friends at the park.  He is a ladies man for sure.

I will be so ready when the boys stop running off so much in public.  It is still a big challenge for us to take them places since the run in all directions.  I think in a year or so we will be better about trying to run in the street and maybe looking in front of us.  When we took them to the tailgate I don't think Brandon and I sat for more than 2 minutes at a time.  They were WILD.  They run and scream and dart.  They are fast, organized and tireless :)  Now if we could be those things too!

C is so into his daddy these days.  I am trying to not take it personally but I am chopped liver to that kid.  He does not care who else is in the room, he only has eyes for his daddy.  I hope soon he is back into mommy but I know Brandon loves it.

B and I are off to OK this weekend to watch the OU/Tech game with his friends.  We are excited and Nana and Papa are going to watch them overnight.  Thank God for grandparents!

Also, make sure to keep Grammy in your prayers.  She is one chemo treatment down with 5 to go.  She is doing wonderfully with a positive attitude and loads of faith.  Grammy, we pray for you every day.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

September Continues

Big few weeks as always, Brock got his first professional hair cut.  I miss the curls.... I don't know if they will ever come back but I guess it needed to be done.  I have the pics from the hair cut but they are on the big camera that I have not downloaded yet. 

Last weekend we took the boys to Waco with my folks and Sara and Bryan and the big boys hunted dove (which seemed to outsmart them :) and the little boys and ladies hung at the ranch house.  We all had fun!  I was one tired momma when I got home from watching the boys in a new space.  My poor parents had the boys in their closet to sleep and Brock sang from 1230a to 2a on Saturday night. 

I took the boys to the dentist for their first exam and they did great!  Apparently we are supposed to be flossing Brock's teeth but seeing as it is super hard to get him to brush them we will see how this goes in his 2 year old year. 

Brandon's mom also found out this last week that she will need to do chemo therapy for her breast cancer.  We know it is upsetting news since she thought she would not have to go through it.  Keep her in your prayers as it will be a tough fall and winter for her.

We took the guys to church and lunch today and then tried to squeeze in a free photo shoot at Whole Foods on our way home.  It was a charity deal and it was our worst photo shoot to date.  The boys were in a foul mood and it is reflected in these photos.  I included them for fun.  

 Brock relaxing before his hair cut.

Beautiful curls.
Christian playing on the floor.
So the boys have this new thing where at dinner they throw their plates on the floor mid-way through the meal.  Nothing makes me more angry... wasted food, big mess and the boys are still hungry since they didn't eat.  They think this is SUPER FUNNY.  So, this night Christian threw his pasta on the floor and did not get desert... Brock kept his plate and was rewarded with pudding.  He LOVED the pudding. 
Free photo shoot at Whole Foods....yikes!

Brock's only alone photo from the shoot!
Ha!  Christian
Best one of the shoot...
