Monday, May 23, 2011

Crazy Times!

We had a wonderful time in Cabo with Daina and Wes and new friends and Daina's family. The whole trip was a blast and are so thankful we got to go and have fun for a very long and wonderful weekend. The boys had a blast with Grandpa and Grandma Barefoot and they played, play and played!!! They did such a wonderful job with the boys and it was so nice that we came home to a clean house and clean boys!! Thanks again Barefeet!! I have more pics from their weekend together but I need to get them on to my computer.

We got home and went right back into the mix of things! The Linn's purchased our new ranch project that Friday while I was gone and we went right to work with contractors and work. Progress is coming along slowly but surely and we are moving! Brandon is traveling tomorrow-Wednesday for work.

Last Thursday the boys had their final MDO this year. I can't believe it has been a WHOLE SCHOOL YEAR!!! Whew! The boys had a wonderful last day party and played in the bounce house and in the ball pit. They will really miss their teachers Miss Julie and Miss Ashley. They made them the most beautiful red woobies as going away gifts with their initials. So very sweet. The boys gave their teachers matching beach bags for summer with a makeup carrier for their bags. The might need a vacation after a year of toddlers!

They start summer MDO in June so we have some time to hang before they go to their new school. This weekend we have a b-day party for a child in their class and hopefully some fun in the sun for memorial day.

Last weekend we got the baby pool back out and the boys LOVED it!!! Those are two water babies!!! The boys have picked up lots of new words and copy everything brandon and I do. They point the remote at the tv, do push ups with dad, and mimic all our influction and moves. It is so cute. This really is a super cute age.... now when we can get them to listen!!!

 Christian showing off his sunnies :)

 Daina and Jenn doing what we do best, laying out!
 Brandon and Jenn at the house in Cabo.
C on pasta night.

 Jenn and Daina on the boat in Cabo.

 The boys with Grandpa and Grammy with their new sunnies.
 Jenn and Brandon on the boat.
 Wes and Brandon with their tuna.

 Kissing tuna
 Daina and Jenn before our b-day dinner.

Monday, May 9, 2011

New Fence, New Words

Brandon and I got our new pool fence installed for the boys and it is not so bad!   It really makes playing outside with the boys soooo much easier!!!  I attached pictures below.

For Mother's Day (and a delayed Christmas present) my mom and sister and I headed up to San Antonio for a girls spa night on Saturday and Sunday.  We stayed in a beautiful hotel, had fabulous spa treatments and wonderful girl time!!!  Brandon did a great job with the boys and enjoyed his time but was happy to see me come home on Sunday afternoon.  He had a hard time keeping the schedule for the boys going and I think appreciated me so much on my special day.  He cooked me a wonderful dinner and I was soooo happy to see the boys (and my big boy).

The boys have been learning new words, Christian picked up "bubbles" and "nose" and is also able to identify his nose, so cute.  Brock picked up "thank you" and "nose" as well.  Brock has also really been really doing his "Breath Holding Spells" pretty frequently these days.  I read they can peak at around age 2 and we are almost there!  He really has the ability to be pretty scary... we just have to remember that he is not going to hurt himself doing this, it is much more scary looking than it really is.

Brandon's parents come in tomorrow and stay a week while Brandon and I are off to sunny Cabo San Lucas with one of my besties, Daina! We are SOOOO excited to see her!!! I can litterally hardly wait!!! We leave Thursday afternoon.

 The girls at lunch on Saturday.  Yummm.
 The boys playing in the backyard.
 Brock woke up one night and could not go back to sleep.  Since we thought his head might hurt from his stitches, we let him hang with us for a little while (rare for the little guy).  He realized we were watching tv and playing with our iphones and he had a great time!!!  Isn't he cute with dad in his sleep sack?
 Our new pool fence.
 Another pic...
The ladies at dinner on Saturday night.  Wonderful dinner followed by a wonderful spa morning on Sunday.  Happy Mother's Day!!!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Nothing Like the ER on Easter

Busy couple of weeks!  The boys are just shooing up like roots!  Brock had a major growth spurt and I think C is having his right now.  They are HUGE!!  We have had another super busy few weeks!  We have visited the Eckman's, went to the ranch for Easter and made a small detour to the ER for stitches. 

We had a great Easter weekend.  They boys are so busy these days and it is really hard to keep them contained!  My grandparents arrived on Tuesday and came to Dallas on Wednesday to see Sara's new house and all the boys.  We all had lunch and a wonderful visit.  Thursday with boys had their Easter party at school.  LOTS of sugar and fun was had and they came home at toddler level 10!  Wowzer!!!  To quote their teacher "I think they had a bit more sugar than usual".  Yikes! 

Friday the Barefeet and Brazelton's headed to the ranch for the weekend.  I have LOTS more wonderful picture but I just haven't had time to download them.  We rode the ranger, had a great Easter egg hunt, lots of wonderful food and conversation. 

It was all going pretty well until Sunday morning about 5 minutes before church, Brock fell off the golf cart and landed on the front porch on the rock part.  Big gash and LOTS of blood.  I felt so bad since I was about 3 feet from him taking his picture.  We took him inside, got the blood to stop and decided we needed a trip to the ER.  So, we got in the car (all in our Easter clothes) and raced to the hospital.  Two hours and twenty minutes later, $150 poorer, three stitches done and one ruined easter we all headed home.  We were SOOOO thankful to the Brazeton's for watching Christian while we were with Brock.  It took both of us to hold on the numbing cotton ball and hold him while they stitched him up.

Brock was upset for the stitches but then forgot all about it and raced around the ER in laps waving at people about 3 minutes later.  He has not noticed them since :)  Stitches came out on Thur. and the scab has already come off.  Yeah!

We are in full blown toddler mode with tantrums, whining, kicking, hatred of anything that is not "their idea".  I knew this phase was coming, but wow!  The boys are also learning new wonderful things along with their generous knowledge of tantrum.  Christian can say "bubbles" and both of them can say "wow".  They are both into hugging and sometimes kissing (if they feel like it) and have really started to play more and more together.  The flip side is when they are bored, they are bored together too.  We have to really struggle to keep them entertained and well fed.  They have started to get a bit pickier with their meals, and will not even consider anything green.  And if they don't get their food when they want it, hold on to your hat.  BIG screams!

This is a more difficult time for Brandon and I for sure!!  I am so glad he is home for the next while!  We celebrate our 8 year anniversary tomorrow and we had a wonderful dinner out on Saturday night to celebrate.  Saturday I take my second night away from the boys leaving Brandon in charge since they have been born.  I am sure he will do great!  My mom and sister and I head to San Antonio for a night away.  Happy Mother's Day to all of us!!!  We get back on Sunday, have Brandon's parents arriving on Tuesday to watch the twins while we go to Cabo San Lucas with one of my besties Daina!  We are so excited!!!  Beach here we come!!!  We fly back on Monday on my birthday.  Am I really turning 32 next week?

Finally we are in contract on a new ranch for work!  Very exciting project!  I don't think we could have loaded up this spring any more, but so is life!!!

 My three stitches.
 Juice and mom's iphone make me feel a little better.

 I still have my tie on mom!
 C in his Easter suit.
 C working at grandpa's desk.  Cutie :)
 Lexie and C.

 C exploring before Easter

 Brock on Saturday munching on a peep.
 C Easter egg hunting.
 C got one!
 The boys playing in the cart on Saturday.. this would later be the scene of the crime for Brock on Sunday.
All good!

I have a TON more pics on my nice camera of my grandparents and the twins which I will work on getting downloaded.