The boys and I had a pretty fun weekend although we all (except Brandon) had the sniffles. On Saturday we met the Brazelton's at the park for swing time! For some reason Christian's photo's didn't turn out on the phone so he gets few photos this week. They were to little for lots of the bigger stuff so we will have to grow into it.
Our sniffles have started to clear up and we are having fun playing these days. They start MDO school on Thursday (happy and sad mommy!) so we will have pictures of that I am sure. Brock has been starting to play independently and C has been cruising like a champ. B is a walking fool these days and likes to grab a toy in each hand and one in his mouth as he walks around. so cute.
We have finally started to bath the boys in the big tub and they LOVE it! C and B fight over the toys, grab all the bars in the tub and laugh and scream and play. Pure joy for them!
Funny story... while I was at my Moms of multiples mixer on Thur. night Brandon bathed and fed the boys alone. Brock ran down the hall naked and unrolled all the toilet paper while he was bathing C. Brock then ran back down the hall after his bath, wet and naked and was licking the fridge when B was able to get him. Ha! I wish I could have been a fly on the wall!