Sunday, July 17, 2011

Hot Summer

We have been doing the same old, same old around here. Boys have been growing like weeds and it is HOT. We have had several days over 100 and the heat is starting to get to us. Hard to be outside and draining. Boys and dad are stuffed up today and not feeling great. Three sad boy. This weekend we went to the galleria, ran errands and tried to stay cool.  I am worn out.  LOTS on whining from the boys.

Our washing machine broke and we had to desperately call around to have it repaired.  We can't make it much more than two days around here without a load.  I am also thinking about re-doing the counter top on my kitchen bar to have the bar face the other way... it would give us some more room in our den.  I haven't gotten the contractor quote back yet but we would love to do it if it not to expensive.  I have decided that our living room couch is part of my back problems.  Once I don't sit on it for awhile my back feels better and when I do sit on it, my back starts to hurt again.  Time for a new couch. 

I am in my fifth week of back physical therapy and I do think it is helping.  Yeah!!  A couple picks from the last few weeks. 

Christian has picked up "car" and "cow" for his new words.  He can identify animals he knows in books and on tv and he says "bye dadda" quite a bit.  Brock can say full sentences.  I can't even believe it.  He says "mommy, daddy where go?"  I say "outside" he says "oh, outside".  loves to ask "where go?"  He likes to know where everyone (and bun bun) are all the time.  He is also WAY into jumping.  He jumps off everything (including a cart in Joanne's fabric) and seems to have no fear.  I still can't believe the boys turn two in a couple weeks!!!  It sounds like quite a bit of brandon's family will be in town for their birthday.

 C at target.
 C at the galleria play yard.
 C at the mall

 C at a sporting outfitter.
 B in the helmet.
 Boys watching the ice skaters.
 C waiting for us to fill up his pool.  To bad... you are in your pj's and no pool time for you yet!

 B likes to lay out like mommy.  So cute.
 Getting some rays.
 C laying out.
 B asleep in the car.
 No, I don't want to go in the grocery store.
B in target.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Colorado Springs

We took off on Saturday for my cousin's wedding in Colorado Springs. The plane ride there was rough. Toddlers do not like to sit. We came off the plane dazed, dirty and tired. But, we were there! The weather was beautiful and we celebrated my grandparent's 65 anniversary on Saturday night. What a wonderful and special accomplishment. 

Sunday we took the kids to a park to play, and then had lunch at my aunt Barbara's house.  The boys LOVED her cat. They pulled it, pet it, loved on it, fed it, and chased it around.  I bet Otis is sleeping good now.  Sunday afternoon Sara and I helped the ladies decorate the church for Britany's wedding while my mom and Brandon watched the kids.  Brandon had them all dressed for the pool when I got back and we went down to the hotel swimming pool and hung with the family and got some sun. 

When we went back up to the room from the pool we changed Christian from his wet items and before we could get a new diaper on him he pooped in the closet.  Since he pulled the door closed we didn't see it right away.  He was having a great time playing in the poop when we opened the door.  Bath time was early and I was able to get it out of the carpet with baby shampoo.  Whew.  We were supposed to go to dinner with some family that night but the kids were melting down and mom and dad were just whipped. 

Monday we took the kids to the splash park to burn off some energy before the wedding (it did not work) and then took them to lunch at Champs.  Brock also got an eye infection that day.  We were able to call his doc and pick up a prescription that day.  We headed to the wedding, saw the bride head down the isle and then had to step out.  VERY cranky toddlers at this point.  No one has napped, no one had slept through the night in days and it was all creeping up on us.  The wedding and reception were beautiful and we got to stay long enough to have dinner and congratulate the new couple.

Monday we went to Garden of the Gods and Manatu Springs on our way to the airport.  Wonderful trip since we got to see family but we are happy to be home.  Boys slept almost 13 hours last night and I could have done the same!

 Brock at Aunt Barbara's.

 The boys in Manatu Springs, they are DONE!
 J and B
 The munchkins at Garden of the Gods.
Mom and the boys 

 Mom and B
 B at the spash park
 C at the splash park

 Brock and Grady playing Aunt Barbara's piano
My family on Saturday night.