The boys had a very big weekend this weekend! On Friday the twins got a visit from my mom for the afternoon and then Josh and Lisa Taylor who were in town for the wedding stopped by to meet the twins. Then aunt Sara and uncle Bryan offered to watch them while mom and dad attended Aaron Koury and Elizabeth's wedding rehearsal. Brandon and I had a great time with them and Sara and Bryan did a wonderful job babysitting. On Sat. Thomas and Anna Dickenson came in town and stayed with us and meet the twins and then we all went to the wedding while the twins stayed home with a sitter. Sunday morning the twins met their first set of other multiples when Manny and Julie stopped by with the triplets! 5 babies is quite a bit but it was fun to see everyone!!! I was on twins duty while the troop went to the Cowboys game in the afternoon. We woke up to two CRANKY twins today from all the excitement over the weekend!!! I was very proud of my little guys and know that they will have lots of visitors over the years.
We tried a new sleep positioner... bad idea. They were both able to get themselves out of the positioner in about 5 minutes. We went back to the original positioners and will just have to figure out a way to keep Brock in it and in place. Our strong guy keeps moving down his crib.
Several people ask me the same few questions about the twins... what are some of our "must have" products and what do we need two of and what do we only need one of? For any other multiple mom out there... here is what I have found:
Must Have's:
- Pack and Plays (2)
- Miracle blanket's (2 or more)
- sleep jammies (tons and they have to have snaps or zippers and feet) they twins don't really like the kind that go over their heads at this stage) we also can't do complicated with two so no real buttons or difficult jammies
-Boppy's (2)
- Bathtub (1)
- diaper champ's (2)- one for each room the twins are in
- Changing stations - we have three... and we use ALL three
- Blankets- a TON
- Burp clothes- we use 16 a day if all goes to plan (which is rarely does).
- Bottle warmer (1) and we use it 16 times a day as well.
- Dr. Brown's bottles- we use 18 a day of the small 4 oz. bottles.
- pacifiers- a TON soothies. We try to keep them separate but that is so hard!
We have both the boys on Axid reflux medicine three times a day which has made our life so much easier!!! No more groaning and crying during feeds.
So glad they are home and you guys are enjoying your family life. I am sure that you must be in desperate need of sleep though!
ReplyDeleteThe boys look great! I hear you on the burpies! We go through a lot and I only have one baby! So glad I made you a lot of them - look cute while spitting up! :-)
Holly- we LOVE the burpies and use them EVERY DAY!!! They are so cute, thank you thank you!!! We are just loving having the babies home. They are no longer in "newborn" stage and are awake and alert a good part of the day. What a change from before!